Gask Ridge Hiking Map

1st and 2nd of September 2018 I walked the Gask Ridge Walk - Lower Ridge. 
I was hoping this would proof to be a great long distance route. 
Sadly the 2 stretches of highway that need to be followed without any alternatives, killed the idea. The detour via Dubheads in order to get back to Roman road was also quite demotivating. To cut a long story short: You can walk this route, but I would suggest to do it in 3 days rather than 2. Sunny weather would make it a lot more enjoyable too, especially on the long stretches of nothingness. Bring a lot of water as sometimes there are no shops, no houses. Be prepared to be shocked by walking along 2 stretches of highway. 

My suggestion is to rather do the car trip which i added to the map. It takes you to the 3 locations with actual visible Romans remains: 

1) Ardoch Fort in Braco
2) Kaims Fortlet just East from Braco
3) The Roman Road between Kirkton and Gask: With Kirkhill Watchtower, Muir o'Fauld Watchtower and Gask House Watchtower.

Dark Blue LineDriving Trip Route visiting 3 visible remains.
Blue Line: The route I walked.
Purple lines: Alternative route or Additional route
Yellow line: Roman Road.
Green line: Running between the upper forts: Suggested intended defence line
Light Orange logos: Little or No remains: Important Locations and Watchtowers, Camps, Forts
Dark Orange logos: Visible remains:         Important Locations and Watchtowers, Camps, Forts
Red Caution Logo !: Traffic situations and places of danger that need extra caution.
Blue objects: Non related information and locations like food and unrelated museums
Green objects: Camping sites and Hotels

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