Roman Frontier Netherlands Hike

I walked the Roman Frontier Netherlands Hike from 21 April until 04 May 2019.
My extensive route visits all the Roman sites and Museums and follows the Frontier as close as possible.

The Dark Blue lines on the map are the Rhine river during Roman times and some connecting waterways.

The Limes route book that was published in 2019 in The Netherlands sadly again follows green areas instead of Roman history. Too many unnecessary detours that waste precious time that could be used for checking out Roman locations and Museums. But no worries, I have fixed this problem with my digital map:

Red line: Netherlands Frontier Route.
Dark Blue lines: Rhine river during Roman times and some connecting waterways
Purple lines: Alternative route or Additional route
Red objects: Visible remains of walls, ditches, canals.
Light Orange logos: Little or No remains: Important Locations and Castellos, Villas and Boats
Dark Orange logos: Visible remains:         Important Locations and Castellos, Villas and Boats
Loudspeaker logos: Places where virtual reality apps are available with views of Roman life
Red Caution Logo !: Traffic situations and places of danger that need extra caution.
Light Blue objects: Non-related information and locations like food and unrelated museums
Green objects: Camping sites and Hotels

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